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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 5 Election day

 Election day is here so get out the vote. Regardless of what party you are with, we have critical seats in congress and senate coming up as well as important governor seat here in California. Your vote dose count for those of you who think they don't the average voter turnout for a non presidential election is about 18-20% so a small segment of the people who do vote decide the election and our future.

Quote of the day "Bad politicians are sent to Washington by good people who don't vote" William E. Simon

Question of the day Who here has already voted or will vote today?

Reminder: If you voted absentee but HAVE NOT mailed back the ballot it isn't too late. Go to your local polling place and drop it off.


  1. Lolpretendingyou'reimportant. Voting does nothing, all elections are rigged.

  2. I don't care for voting. Especially for people. I think i will vote on props, but im not so sure yet.

  3. Yea, I vote on Props. I couldn't care less about the people that spend at $150 million on their elections. Those are always going to end up being not in our favor.

  4. Hmm I dunno what to post, but this is relevant.
